Uses of Interface

Packages that use Span
cc.mallet.extract Unimplemented. 

Uses of Span in cc.mallet.extract

Classes in cc.mallet.extract that implement Span
 class LabeledSpan
          Created: Oct 12, 2004
 class StringSpan
          A sub-section of a linear string.

Methods in cc.mallet.extract that return Span
protected  Span BIOTokenizationFilterWithTokenIndices.createSpan(Tokenization input, int startTokenIdx, int endTokenIdx)
protected  Span BIOTokenizationFilter.createSpan(Tokenization input, int startTokenIdx, int endTokenIdx)
 Span LabeledSpan.getSpan()
 Span Tokenization.getSpan(int i)
 Span StringTokenization.getSpan(int i)
 Span LabeledSpans.getSpan(int i)
 Span StringSpan.intersection(Span r)
 Span Span.intersection(Span r)
          Returns a new span that is the intersection of this span and another.
 Span LabeledSpan.intersection(Span r)
 Span Tokenization.subspan(int start, int end)
          Returns a span formed by concatenating the spans from start to end.
 Span StringTokenization.subspan(int firstToken, int lastToken)
 Span DocumentExtraction.subspan(int start, int end)

Methods in cc.mallet.extract with parameters of type Span
 Span StringSpan.intersection(Span r)
 Span Span.intersection(Span r)
          Returns a new span that is the intersection of this span and another.
 Span LabeledSpan.intersection(Span r)
 boolean StringSpan.intersects(Span r)
 boolean Span.intersects(Span r)
 boolean LabeledSpan.intersects(Span r)
 boolean StringSpan.isSubspan(Span r)
 boolean Span.isSubspan(Span r)
 boolean LabeledSpan.isSubspan(Span r)

Constructors in cc.mallet.extract with parameters of type Span
LabeledSpan(Span span, Label label, boolean isBackground)
LabeledSpan(Span span, Label label, boolean isBackground, double confidence)