Package cc.mallet.grmm.types

Interface Summary
AssignmentIterator Iterates over the assignments to a set of variables.
DiscreteFactor $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:44 mccallum Exp $
Factor Interface for multivariate discrete probability distributions.
ParameterizedFactor A factor that supports taking derivatives with respect to its continuous variables.
VarSet Interface for classes that maintain a set of variables in a specified order.

Class Summary
AbstractFactor An Abstract class from which new Factor classes can be subclassed.
AbstractTableFactor Class for a multivariate multinomial distribution.
Assignment An assignment to a bunch of variables.
BetaFactor $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:44 mccallum Exp $
BidirectionalIntObjectMap A mapping between integers and objects where the mapping in each direction is efficient.
BinaryUnaryFactor A factor over a continuous variable theta and binary variables var.
BitVarSet A clique that uses very little time and memory based on the flyweight pattern.
BoltzmannPairFactor A factor over a continuous variable theta and binary variables var.
BoltzmannUnaryFactor A factor over a continuous variable theta and binary variables var.
ConstantFactor $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:44 mccallum Exp $
CPT $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:44 mccallum Exp $
DirectedModel Class for directed graphical models.
FactorGraph Class for undirected graphical models.
Factors A static utility class containing utility methods for dealing with factors, especially TableFactor objects.
HashVarSet A clique is a collection of nodes in a graph that are all adjacent.
ListVarSet A clique that uses very little time and memory based on the flyweight pattern, in the same way as BitVarSet.
LogTableFactor Created: Jan 4, 2006
NormalFactor Multivariate Gaussian factor.
PottsTableFactor A factor over a continuous variable alpha and discrete variables x such that phi(x|alpha) is Potts.
SkeletonFactor A subclass of Factor in which all operations throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
TableFactor Created: Jan 4, 2006
Tree Class for arbitrary trees, based on implementation in OpenJGraph.
UndirectedGrid A grid-shaped undirected graphical model.
UndirectedModel Class for pairwise undirected graphical models, also known as pairwise Markov random fields.
UniformFactor $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:44 mccallum Exp $
UniNormalFactor Univariate Gaussian factor.
Universe A global mapping between variables and indices.
UnmodifiableVarSet Created: Dec 15, 2005
Variable Class for a discrete random variable in a graphical model.