Package cc.mallet.fst.confidence

Interface Summary
TransducerCorrector Interface for transducerCorrectors, which correct a subset of the Segments produced by a Transducer.

Class Summary
ConfidenceCorrectorEvaluator Calculates the effectiveness of "constrained viterbi" in propagating corrections in one segment of a sequence to other segments.
ConfidenceEvaluator.EntityConfidence a simple class to store a confidence score and whether or not this labeling is correct
ConstrainedForwardBackwardConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of a Segment extracted by a Transducer by performing a "constrained lattice" calculation.
ConstrainedViterbiTransducerCorrector Corrects a subset of the Segments produced by a Transducer.
GammaAverageConfidenceEstimator Calculates the confidence in an extracted segment by taking the average of P(s_i|o) for each state in the segment.
GammaProductConfidenceEstimator Calculates the confidence in an extracted segment by taking the product of eP(s_i|o) for each state in the segment.
InstanceWithConfidence Helper class to store confidence of an Instance.
IsolatedSegmentTransducerCorrector Corrects a subset of the Segments produced by a Transducer.
MaxEntConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of a Segment extracted by a Transducer using a MaxEnt classifier to classify segments as "correct" or "incorrect." xxx needs some interface work
MaxEntSequenceConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of a Sequence extracted by a Transducer using a MaxEnt classifier to classify Sequences as "correct" or "incorrect." xxx needs some interface work.
MinSegmentConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by the least confidence segment.
NBestViterbiConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by the probability that one of the the Viterbi paths rank 2->N is correct.
PipedInstanceWithConfidence Helper class to store confidence of an Instance.
QBCSequenceConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by the "disagreement" among a committee of CRFs.
RandomConfidenceEstimator Randomly assigns values between 0-1 to the confidence of a Segment.
RandomSequenceConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence randomly.
SegmentProductConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by combining the output of a segment confidence estimator for each segment.
SequenceConfidenceInstance Stores a Sequence and a PropertyList, used when extracting features from a Sequence in a pipe for confidence prediction
TransducerConfidenceEstimator Abstract class that estimates the confidence of a Segment extracted by a Transducer.
TransducerSequenceConfidenceEstimator Abstract class that estimates the confidence of a Sequence extracted by a Transducer.Note that this is different from TransducerConfidenceEstimator, which estimates the confidence for a single Segment.
ViterbiConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by the probability of the Viterbi path normalized by the probabliity of the entire lattice.
ViterbiRatioConfidenceEstimator Estimates the confidence of an entire sequence by the ration of the probabilities of the first and second best Viterbi paths.