Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractInferencer

Uses of AbstractInferencer in cc.mallet.grmm.inference

Subclasses of AbstractInferencer in cc.mallet.grmm.inference
 class AbstractBeliefPropagation
          Abstract base class for umplementations of belief propagation for general factor graphs.
 class BruteForceInferencer
          Computes the joint of a GraphicalModel by brute-force calculation.
 class JunctionTreeInferencer
          Does inference in general graphical models using the Hugin junction tree algorithm.
 class LoopyBP
          The loopy belief propagation algorithm for approximate inference in general graphical models.
 class ResidualBP
          A dynamic BP schedule where The loopy belief propagation algorithm for approximate inference in general graphical models.
 class SamplingInferencer
          Approximate inferencer for graphical models using sampling.
 class TreeBP
          Implements the tree-based schedule of belief propagation for exact inference in trees.
 class TRP
          Implementation of Wainwright's TRP schedule for loopy BP in general graphical models.
 class VariableElimination
          The variable elimination algorithm for inference in graphical models.

Uses of AbstractInferencer in cc.mallet.grmm.inference.gbp

Subclasses of AbstractInferencer in cc.mallet.grmm.inference.gbp
 class ParentChildGBP
          Created: May 27, 2005