Uses of Class

Packages that use UndirectedModel

Uses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.inference

Methods in cc.mallet.grmm.inference that return UndirectedModel
static UndirectedModel RandomGraphs.createGrid(RandomGraphs.FactorGenerator gener, int size)
static UndirectedModel RandomGraphs.randomFrustratedTree(int size, int maxChildren, double edgeWeight, java.util.Random r)

Uses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.learning

Subclasses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.learning
static class ACRF.UnrolledGraph

Uses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.test

Methods in cc.mallet.grmm.test that return UndirectedModel
static UndirectedModel TestInference.createRandomGrid(int w, int h, int maxOutcomes, java.util.Random r)

Uses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.types

Subclasses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.types
 class UndirectedGrid
          A grid-shaped undirected graphical model.

Methods in cc.mallet.grmm.types that return UndirectedModel
static UndirectedModel UndirectedModel.createBoltzmannMachine(double[][] weights, double[] biases)
          Creates an undirected model that corresponds to a Boltzmann machine with the given weights and biases.

Uses of UndirectedModel in cc.mallet.grmm.util

Methods in cc.mallet.grmm.util that return UndirectedModel
static UndirectedModel Models.addEvidence(UndirectedModel mdl, Assignment assn)

Methods in cc.mallet.grmm.util with parameters of type UndirectedModel
static UndirectedModel Models.addEvidence(UndirectedModel mdl, Assignment assn)